Tuesday, January 4, 2011

God Why Did this Happen to Me

Have you ever asked this question? Of all the questions that a person could ask of God, this is probably the most common one and also the one whose answer is not ever straightforward.

The title here implies that something bad has occurred. No one seems to ask God why they were given a blessing but always want to know what is going on when things are going more or less not according to plan.

Take a look in the mirror and examine our eyes. They are said to be the windows to the soul. The situations we have experienced through our eyes leave a profound impact on our lives – a pedestrian hit by a speeding car; a store owner shot in a robbery, a child abused by their caregivers. Or, the person you are seeing could be yourself experiencing something harsh in your life.

There is one thing that you need to know beyond a shadow of a doubt: when you follow God, He works out all things for your good. This doesn’t mean that everything that happens to you will start off that way, but it will end up benefiting you. And, God is a god of love and peace, not hatred and chaos. When bad or unfavorable things happen and affect us, He is affected too.

God has a plan for each of our lives.

The only way to know it and fulfill it is to follow him. Many people have troubles because they are not taking the path that leads to who God wants us to be.

Each person has a race to run in this life. It is not solely about what we accumulate along the way, who we fall in love with or how many friends we have that determines the course and purpose of our lives. It is our willingness to follow the Master wherever He leads.

As you may have already suspected, God’s thoughts and God’s ways are higher than our ways. We don’t always know why things happen but whatever has gone on in your life, God can turn it into something good not only for you but also for someone else.

Let’s look at Joseph in the Bible for a moment. He had a gift from God. Through the jealousy of his brothers, he was sold into slavery and his father told that he was dead. Yes this was wrong and Joseph had to suffer for it, but God never left him.

During that experience, he ended up in Potiphar’s house and in another sticky situation. His wife accuses Joseph of rape because he rejected her advanced. That lands him in prison for two years! During this time, he interprets a dream for the pharaoh and lands a job as his Number 1.

There are two lessons here: Joseph was treated unfairly but he didn’t stop loving and following God. Through that, God was able to turn his situation into something good and prosper him at the same time. And, what God does for one, he will do for all.

Source: http://christianinspirational.org

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