Sunday, March 20, 2011


I Sam 16:1-13

Seringkali orang menganggap kalau seorang Nabi Tuhan atau hamba Tuhan itu tidak ada lagi persoalan karena mereka sudah dianggap seperti malaikat. Padahal kalau dilihat kenyataannya kemungkinan orang yang melayani itu mempunyai lebih banyak masalah dalam hidup daripada orang-orang yang tidak melayani. Hal ini dikarenakan mereka adalah ujung tombak dan Iblis menyerang mereka dengan bertubi-tubi agar mereka pada akhirnya berhenti melayani Tuhan. Tetapi saya sebagai hamba Tuhan mengatakan jangan pernah menyerah karena ada pekerjaan besar yang sedang menanti kita.

Seringkali Tuhan berkata kepada kita “berapa lama lagi engkau terus menangis? berapa lama lagi engkau terus berduka cita? berapa lama lagi engkau terus kecewa? berapa lama lagi engkau membangun tugu kegagalan masa lalu yang tinggi? berapa lama lagi pertanyaan demi pertanyaan yang kau ajukan dan bertanya mengapa mesti saya, Tuhan?” Banyak rahasia yang sebenarnya kita tidak mengerti. Kalau kita selalu menangis dan memendam kekecewaan atas kegagalan masa lalu, itu berarti kita membangun tugu peringatan dan setiap kali kita menoleh ke belakang itu seperti istri Lot. Setiap kali kita menoleh ke belakang kita tidak bisa berjalan maju dan kita terus terikat dan akhirnya akan menjadi tiang garam.

Orang yang hanya melihat kegagalan dan kehancuran, kepahitan, kekecewaan masa lalu itu seperti orang yang minum racun sedikit demi sedikit lalu pada akhirnya dia bunuh diri secara pelan-pelan. Karena dari kekecewaan yang ada bisa menjadi penyakit dalam kehidupan dan kalau diobati maka penyakit itu akan menjadi penyakit yang membawa pada kematian. Tetapi yang paling penting adalah kekecewaan masa lalu, kegagalan masa lalu, sakit hati masa lalu itu menjadi penghalang besar bagi doa-doa kita didengar oleh Tuhan. Sekarang pilihan ada di dalam tangan kita, Tuhan tidak pernah memaksa kita untuk melakukan sesuatu. Tuhan bertanya kepada Samuel, “berapa lama lagi …?” dengan kata lain Tuhan juga bertanya kepada kita untuk kita memilih untuk tetap terikat atau melepaskan diri dari masa lalu. Dalam kehidupan Samuel, Saul adalah masa lalu tetapi sebenarnya Tuhan sudah siapkan sesuatu yang baru yaitu Daud.

Kemudian ada perintah “isilah tabung tandukmu dengan minyak urapan lalu pergilah dan urapi salah satu anak dari Isai”. Ini adalah perintah yang Tuhan berikan kepada Samuel, tetapi dia mempunyai alasan untuk menolaknya. Sebenarnya Samuel ini masih merasa sedih karena pada awal dia bertemu dengan Saul, Saul adalah seorang pemuda yang pemalu, rendah hati dan dia sangat kagum, tetapi pada akhirnya Saul menjadi sombong dan membuat Samuel menjadi sangat kecewa. Bukan itu saja yang menjadi alasan Samuel menolak perintah Tuhan, tetapi dia juga takut kepada Saul karena di waktu yang lalu Saul pernah menahan dia untuk pergi sampai merobek bajunya dan perintah Tuhan kepadanya adalah ancaman bagi Saul. Terkadang kita juga hidup diliputi dengan ketakutan-ketakutan yang sebenarnya tidak ada alasan untuk itu kalau Tuhan yang memerintahkannya. Kita mempunyai Tuhan yang kuat. Mari kita mempercayai Tuhan, jangan takut dan cemas akan hal-hal yang terjadi dalam hidup kita karena Tuhan tidak pernah meninggalkan kita.

Kita hidup dalam tahun “new beginning” karena itu jangan kita melihat lagi apa yang ada di belakang tetapi kita mau lihat ada sesuatu yang baru yang Tuhan akan kerjakan di dalam kehidupan kita. Hari ini berakhir, besok di mulai lagi, besok berakhir lusa dimulai lagi demikian seterusnya, Tuhan memberikan sesuatu yang baru setiap pagi. Jangan kita hanya melihat kesulitan demi kesulitan dan demi kesulitan yang terjadi ataupun kehancuran yang ada tapi mulailah kita bisa melihat bahwa ada tangan Tuhan yang bekerja dan sedang memurnikan imanmu, membentuk karakter kita menjadi karakter ilahi. Dengan begitu kita tidak lagi melekat kepada keadaan duniawi tetapi melekat kepada Tuhan. Jangan melihat apa yang ada di hadapanmu hari ini tapi lihat apa yang sudah Tuhan pilih untuk kita lakukan hari ini.

Tuhan tidak memilih anak-anak Isai yang berperawakan bagus tetapi malah memilih Daud yang sebenarnya tidak diperhitungkan oleh keluarganya karena Allah tidak melihat penampilan tetapi hati. Kita lihat bahwa Daud itu tidak mempunyai penampilan yang baik untuk seorang raja, buktinya ketika dia akan melawan Goliat, dia tidak bisa memakai pakaian dari Saul karena kebesaran, ini menunjukkan kalau dia seorang yang pendek/kecil. Mungkin keadaan kita seperti Daud yang tidak diperhitungkan orang karena mungkin penampilan kita tidak menawan tetapi kalau Tuhan mengurapi kita, siapa lawan kita? Jelas tidak ada!

Ketaatan itu penting karena terkadang apa yang Tuhan katakan itu tidak masuk akal tetapi ketaatan itu penting untuk kita melihat mujizat Tuhan di kehidupan kita. Samuel taat melakukan perintah Tuhan dan dia melihat bagaimana Daud, seorang yang sederhana yang tidak diperhitungkan oleh manusia tetapi diperhitungkan oleh Tuhan. Dan akhirnya kita lihat bagaimana Tuhan mengatakan “Saul Kutolak tapi Daud orang yang berkenan kepada-Ku”. Orang yang berkenan itu adalah orang yang mendapat anugerah, kemurahan, orang yang dikejar oleh kebajikan dan kemurahan Tuhan selama-lamanya.

Saat ini berapa lama lagi engkau mau berkabung, mari tingkatkan iman kita, kita bangkitkan kembali semangat kita dan belajar taat pada Tuhan karena tidak ada rencananya yang buruk. Dia sediakan hal yang baru bahkan baru sama sekali dan kita akan dibuatNya terheran-heran. Orang-orang disekeliling kita akan berbuat baik kepada kita karena melihat Yesus ada di dalam hidup kita. Tuhan Yesus memberkati.

Ringkasan Kotbah : Christine Here

Terus Berusaha

Apakah yang selama ini Anda yakini akan terjadi, belum juga terjadi? Mungkin terobosan keuangan, pekerjaan, kenaikan jabatan, relasi, atau keluarga yang perlu diselamatkan? Apa pun itu -- Anda harus tahu bahwa semuanya tidak akan berakhir sampai benar-benar berakhir! Apa pun yang belum terjadi, masih bisa terjadi selama Anda masih hidup dan bernapas hingga saat ini! Keganjilan bisa saja nampak tidak baik, tetapi Allah baik! Allah adalah Allah "yang melawan semua keganjilan". Dan meskipun kita tidak bisa memilih sebagian besar tantangan yang kita hadapi, namun kita bisa memilih bagaimana kita menghadapinya. Kebanyakan orang memilih untuk menyerah atau berhenti berusaha, namun saya tidak yakin kalau itu adalah keputusan yang seharusnya kita ambil ketika Tuhan masih ikut campur di dalamnya. Keputusan yang harus kita ambil adalah tetap terus berusaha! Tetap terus percaya, mengejar, dan berharap -- tetap terus berusaha!

Ini saatnya untuk bertekun. Ketekunan akan menghasilkan sesuatu -- orang-orang yang tak akan menyerah ketika menghadapi kesengsaraan, yang akan mendatangkan terobosan dan bukan kerusakan, yang akan membawa suatu kejebolan dan bukannya kehancuran! Orang-orang yang menganggap kata "cukup" tidak akan pernah cukup! Saya berbicara mengenai tidak pernah menyerah -- tidak pernah berhenti! Karena orang yang menyerah tak akan pernah menang dan seorang pemenang tak pernah menyerah! Orang-orang yang berhasil adalah orang-orang yang tidak mengizinkan kegagalan menentukan masa depan mereka. Orang-orang yang berhasil adalah orang-orang gagal yang selalu bangkit, bergerak, mencapai sesuatu, dan mencoba lagi. Thomas Edison pernah mengatakan, "Saya belum pernah gagal. Saya hanya mencoba sepuluh ribu cara yang tidak berhasil."

Izinkan saya bertanya sesuatu: "Terakhir kali Anda gagal, apakah Anda berhenti berusaha karena Anda gagal, atau apakah Anda gagal karena berhenti berusaha?" Apabila awalnya percobaan Anda tidak berhasil, cobalah lagi! Cobalah sekali lagi!

Saya percaya bahwa ada tiga kunci untuk membuat terobosan -- tiga hal yang harus ada pada seseorang dan kita mengetahui hal ini dari kisah di Lukas 18:1-8.


Tekun berarti "terus berjuang melakukan sesuatu meskipun ada rintangan". Jika kita ingin mengalami suatu terobosan, kita harus selalu mengejar apa yang membuat terobosan itu terjadi. Banyak sekali orang yang berpikir bahwa satu doa sudah cukup untuk mengalami suatu terobosan dan kemudian mereka heran mengapa Tuhan belum juga mendatangkan terobosan tersebut. Di sini, Yesus secara spesifik mengajar kita mengenai ketekunan dalam meminta -- dikatakan dalam ayat pertama bahwa Tuhan mengajarkan hal ini untuk menunjukkan pada mereka bahwa mereka tidak boleh menyerah! Winston Churchill mengatakan hal yang sama. Tidak pernah menyerah berarti terus-menerus melakukan hal-hal yang kita percayai pasti bisa berhasil sampai benar-benar berhasil. Mengejar keberhasilan dengan agresif. Janda tersebut terus datang ke ruang pengadilan menuntut keadilan! Dia membuktikan betapa dia sangat menginginkannya dan betapa keras dia mengejarnya. Segala sesuatu yang berharga untuk kita miliki, patut kita tunggu, dan segala sesuatu yang berharga untuk kita tunggu, patut untuk kita kejar. Janda tersebut lebih terdorong oleh hasil yang mungkin ia dapat daripada dihentikan oleh masalah yang dihadapinya.

Seberapa besar Anda menginginkan sesuatu akan terlihat dari seberapa keras Anda berusaha mendapatkannya. Alkitab mengatakan bahwa Anda akan mendapat apa yang Anda minta ketika Anda terus-menerus meminta, terus-menerus mencari, dan terus-menerus mengetuk. Terus-menerus adalah tindakan yang berkelanjutan, bukan aktivitas yang sekali tuntas! Jika Anda tidak siap untuk bertekun, Anda tidak bisa menang. Seseorang mengatakan, "Kegagalan adalah jalan mereka yang kurang tekun." Jadi, jangan merasa puas untuk sesuatu yang bukan Anda yakini. Jangan hanya karena sesuatu tidak bisa terwujud dalam dua belas bulan, lantas Anda harus mengganti visi Anda.


Konsisten berarti "tidak bertentangan, konstan terhadap prinsip-prinsip dan visi yang sama". Rahasia keberhasilan adalah konsisten terhadap tujuan. Permohonan si janda tidak berubah. Kebanyakan orang Kristen gagal untuk dapat memertahankan kekonsistenan. Berjuanglah apa pun yang terjadi, berjuanglah apa pun yang terjadi, dan berjuanglah apa pun yang terjadi! Konsisten terhadap apa yang kita lakukan. Dalam ayat 5, kita dapat melihat bahwa si janda mendapatkan apa yang diinginkannya karena dia konsisten memintanya. Hakim itu berkata, "Janda ini menyusahkan aku ...." Kata menyusahkan itu sama artinya dengan luka dan memar yang disebabkan oleh petinju. Hakim itu dengan efektif berkata, " ... baiklah aku membenarkan dia, supaya jangan terus saja ia datang dan akhirnya menyerang aku."

Lihatlah, ia mendapatkan apa yang ia inginkan karena ia menginginkan apa yang kini sudah didapatkannya. Untuk dapat mengalami terobosan, Anda harus berjuang, apa pun yang terjadi! Ketekunan memerlukan iman yang konsisten. Ketidakkonsistenan berarti Anda ragu-ragu dan dapat terpengaruh untuk berubah pikiran. Efesus 4:14 berkata, "... sehingga kita bukan lagi anak-anak, yang diombang-ambingkan oleh rupa-rupa angin pengajaran, oleh permainan palsu manusia dalam kelicikan mereka yang menyesatkan." Ketika Anda konsisten, Anda membuktikan kemauan keyakinan Anda. Anda membuktikan betapa besar Anda yakin akan terjadinya suatu terobosan. Rasul Paulus memiliki keyakinan semacam itu -- katanya dalam 2 Tim. 1:12 "... karena aku tahu kepada siapa aku percaya dan aku yakin bahwa Dia berkuasa ...."

Semua ini adalah tentang tetap setia. Jika Anda tidak berkeyakinan, Anda akan jatuh dan tidak mendapatkan apa-apa! Setialah kepada impian Anda, setialah terhadap apa yang belum terwujud. Kesetiaan melumpuhkan kompromi dan kecurangan. Setia membuat Anda tetap terfokus pada apa yang Anda percayai daripada apa yang sedang Anda lalui. Ada orang yang mengatakan, "Kebanyakan dari kegagalan yang terjadi dalam kehidupan adalah manusia tidak menyadari betapa dekatnya mereka dengan keberhasilan ketika mereka menyerah." Saya ingin mendorong Anda -- bertahanlah satu hari lagi, satu minggu lagi, satu bulan lagi, satu tahun lagi! Anda akan melihat terjadinya terobosan!


Melawan berarti "penolakan untuk tunduk". Di ayat 4, dituliskan bahwa "hakim itu menolak", tetapi janda itu tidak menyerah dan putus asa. Anda harus melawan godaan untuk menyerah. Jangan menyerah! -- mengapa? Karena orang yang menyerah tidak pernah menang dan seorang pemenang tidak pernah menyerah! Janda itu melawan munculnya pikiran yang negatif -- dia bisa saja berpikir bahwa percuma saja berusaha. Dia melawan sikap ragu-ragu -- dia memiliki pilihan untuk menyerah dan memercayai kebohongan musuhnya. Dia melawan penolakan yang dilakukan secara halus -- dia bisa saja menyerah karena dia tidak diperhatikan oleh hakim. Dia tidak mengizinkan perbuatan orang lain menghentikannya dan ia juga tidak mengizinkan perkataan orang lain menghalanginya. Harus ada sebuah perlawanan untuk membangun sebuah ketekunan. Anda tidak bisa tekun jika Anda tidak pernah melawan. Yakobus 4:7 berkata, "Karena itu tunduklah kepada Allah, dan lawanlah Iblis, maka ia akan lari dari pada mu!" Anda harus tahu -- iblis ada untuk membuat Anda menyerah. Menyerah tidak pernah menjadi suatu hal yang baik ketika Anda hendak memutuskan untuk berhenti! Lawanlah! Sewaktu Anda tergoda untuk menyerah, putuskan untuk bangkit! Coba lagi! Anda tidak tahu kapan kesempatan untuk berhasil akan terjadi. Maka dari itu, lawanlah godaan untuk menyerah karena Anda sudah berjalan terlalu jauh untuk kembali, untuk menyerah, atau pun untuk berhenti! Teruslah berusaha!


Tuesday, March 15, 2011

Just Push

A man was sleeping at night in his cabin when suddenly his room filled with light and the Savior appeared. The Lord told the man he had work for him to do, and showed him a large rock in front of his cabin. The Lord explained that the man was to push against the rock with all his might. This the man did, day after day. For many years he toiled from sun up to sun down, his shoulders set squarely against the cold, massive surface of the unmoving rock, pushing with all his might.

Each night the man returned to his cabin sore, and worn out, feeling that his whole day had been spent in vain. Seeing that the man was showing signs of discouragement, the adversary decided to enter the picture by placing thoughts into the man's weary mind: "You have been pushing against that rock for a long time, and it hasn't budged. Why kill yourself over this? You are never going to move it." Thus giving the man the impression that the task was impossible and that he was a failure, these thoughts discouraged and disheartened the man.

"Why kill myself over this?" he thought. "I'll just put in my time, giving just the minimum effort and that will be good enough." And that is what he planned to do until one day he decided to make it a matter of prayer and take his troubled thoughts to the Lord. "Lord," he said, "I have labored long and hard in your service, putting all my strength to do that which you have asked. Yet, after all this time, I have not even budged that rock by half a millimeter. What is wrong? Why am I failing?"

The Lord responded compassionately, "My child, when I asked you to serve me and you accepted, I told you that your task was to push against the rock with all your strength, which you have done. Never once did I mention to you that I expected you to move it. Your task was to push. And now you come to me, with your strength spent, thinking that you have failed. But, is that really so? Look at yourself. Your arms are strong and muscled, your back sinew and brown, your hands are callused from constant pressure, and your legs have become massive and hard. Through opposition you have grown much and your abilities now surpass that which you used to have. Yet you haven't moved the rock. But your calling was to be obedient and to push and to exercise your faith and trust in My wisdom. This you have done. I, my friend, will now move the rock."

At times, when we hear a word from God, we tend to use our own intellect to decipher what He wants, when actually what God wants is just simple obedience and faith in Him. By all means, exercise the faith that moves mountains, but know that it is still God who moves the mountains.

For I am not ashamed of the gospel of Christ: for it is the power of God unto salvation to everyone that believes. -- Romans 1:16


Monday, March 14, 2011

I Am Coming!!!

Soon I, JESUS, will make MY glorious appearance to the world. MY people do not take MY words seriously. I speak through many. MY message is clear—I AM COMING. The date is set, the hour is set. MY FATHER is waiting to give the signal. HE alone can give the signal.

Every minute you are moving closer to this great event. MY children, do you feel it? Do you sense it? If you do not, you are far from ME. The world has you too tightly wound up in its clutches. You are caught up in the things of the world and not focusing on ME, your LORD and MASTER JESUS.

I am waiting for you to turn back to ME, to surrender your all to ME. You wonder how can this be? What must I do to surrender to MY LORD? I want you to come before ME, repent of your sin, acknowledge to ME that you are sinful before a HOLY GOD. Then lay your life down before ME willingly, not because others want you to, because you, yourself see ME as a worthy LORD and MASTER.

I then, want you to draw near ME, put down the things of the world and spend time with ME. Get to know ME better. I am not far from you. I want you to pursue ME like you pursue all your other worldly interests, only I want first place in your heart. I ask nothing less.

How do I become first place in your heart, you ask? Let ME tell you… When you get up in the morning, do you think of ME? Are your thoughts toward ME? Do you move through the day and think of and speak with ME?

You bring only the big things before ME. I want all your small things also. I am here to help you with every aspect of your life. You can’t imagine GOD being that concerned over your life’s details because you do not understand that I, GOD am a GOD of incredible details. I know all the details of your life. Nothing gets by ME. Small and large, I know all about you.

Bring ME all your cares and even your little concerns—the things you think I would never notice. This is communion with GOD, when you allow ME to engage with you over every aspect of your life. I want control over you—I want MY plans to take your life into the abundance I planned for you from the start.

Do you know your life has a perfect plan that I, GOD have devised for it? Are you aware of this? If you are not MY surrendered follower than your plan for life that I carefully planned out is running counter to all the beauty and wonder I have in place for you. I want to bring you to MY complete wholeness: peace of mind; completeness of your spirit filled by MY SPIRIT; walking in MY perfect plans for your life. This is all yours. It is a plan to bring you home with ME when I come for MY children. It is a plan to bring you to your eternal destiny to be with ME forever. I, your LORD, want to bring you to wholeness through MY HOLY SPIRIT and past the sorrows and sadness of a fallen world.

Time is short, MY loved ones, MY children. Stop clinging to this world. It is in rebellion to ME, its MAKER and I will soon have no part in it. The world will turn its back to ME completely and I must leave with MY bride under MY safe arm and leave the world to its own destruction, destruction that comes when love and order administered by a HOLY GOD is rejected. Chaos and evil is the alternative and this world will embrace it, apart from ME.

Saddened though I am—the hour approaches and I must come to rescue the bride and retreat with her to MY Kingdom and leave those remaining to suffer under the hand of MY enemy. He is a cruel master. Let ME tell you about the evil of MY opponent and what he is capable of. He wants nothing less than to destroy you, to see you spending eternity in the pits of hell. He is angry and lusting after your blood, your life blood. He will destroy you by any means he has. Do you recognize this MY children? He means to destroy and to destroy completely.

He will use any means to reach his goal—your utter destruction. He will use your weaknesses, your desires for the things of this world, your own self-made plans and dreams. If you follow your self-made plans, apart from MY Perfect Will, that is acquired only through complete and total surrender of your life to ME, than you are falling right into MY enemy’s hands. Is this how you want it, MY children?

You are so set on following your own self-made goals and directions that you are willingly playing into the enemy’s hands. I will let you do it, because you choose. I don’t want to lose you to the enemy. I don’t want to leave you to the world of disaster coming, after I remove MY bride. I don’t want to be apart from you for eternity and I don’t want to assign you to hell for rejecting ME and choosing your own ways. You will leave ME no choice.

Very soon, the world will come apart. Evil will enlarge past the limits I have set for it with MY guiding, protecting RIGHT HAND that I have over it right now. When I pull back MY Great Hand of Protection over the earth, the taste of evil you are experiencing now will be a large dose and it will be a gag in the mouths of those left to deal with the world apart from ME, the LORD JESUS.

Sorrow and pleading is where I am now. I plead with you MY children to come to ME in these closing moments. Still you reject and cling to a temporal, dying world. You see the dark clouds forming overhead of which you know what I speak. There is trouble all around you. All things are touched by this foreboding evil that is growing ever daily. Come to your senses. Follow ME. Turn to ME. Come with ME. Surrender to ME. I will save you and lead you out to safety. You may choose. This is your privilege. But if you choose against ME for this evil and corrupt world you so lustily desire, I will not take kindly to your choice and you will indeed have your way.

Come to me for safe passage to MY Kingdom. I am waiting only a while longer. You think you have a lot of time. You do not. These words are true. Follow ME and live. Reject ME and we shall part ways for eternity.


March 7, 2011


God will make a way

God will make a way

Where there seems to be no way

He works in ways we cannot see

He will make a way for me

He will be my guide

Hold me closely to His side

With love and strength

For each new day

He will make a way

He will make a way

By a roadway in the wilderness

He'll lead me

And rivers in the desert will I see

Heaven and earth will fade

But His Word will still remain

He will do something new today

~Don Moen~

Suicide is the Devil's Solution

“For godly sorrow worketh repentance to salvation not to be repented of: but the sorrow of the world worketh death.” -2nd Corinthians 7:10

If you have thoughts of suicide,
it is likely a demonic influence (TV, movies and music today are saturated with subliminal messages and often the lyrics themselves, which lead the listener to commit suicide). One teen who commit suicide still head the walkman headphones on his head, listening to Ozzy Osbourne's song, SUICIDE! Most people are strong enough emotionally to listen to such evil music and escape it's power, but emotionally weak and mentally unstable people are vulnerable. Everyone is emotionally and mentally weakened at some point in their life.

Peter had denied Christ, even cursed His holy name. Later, when Peter heard the cock crow three times, he remember that Jesus had foretold of these things. Peter wept bitterly and repented. Judas on the other hand had betrayed Jesus for thirty pieces of silver (about $10,000 today). Judas panicked when he fully thought about what he had done.

Instead of repenting like Peter, Judas went and hung himself. Peter and Judas demonstrate the correct and wrong way to deal with overwhelming pain, whether it be physical or emotional. Peter did the right thing by turning to God; but Judas killed himself to escape the emotional pain, just to end up in Hell. Jesus openly stated in John 6:70 that Judas was a Devil.

Peter had godly sorrow, but Judas had the sorrow of the world. The sorrow of the world eats at a person like cancer until they lose their health, go nuts, blow their brains out, or hurt someone else. Godly sorrow is simply being sorry to God for what we have done and asking Jesus to forgive us. There's always a second chance with God. I don't care how much you've messed up, God will work with you. The hardest person in the world to forgive is yourself.

“Come now, and let us reason together, saith the LORD: though your sins be as scarlet, they shall be as white as snow; though they be red like crimson, they shall be as wool.” —Isaiah 1:18

If you have reconciled your wrongs with man, and have made your heart right with God, then you need to forgive yourself. You cannot be right with God and wrong with man. If you have defrauded or hurt someone, then make it right. In some cases there's nothing you can do. A woman who aborted her baby years ago cannot bring the child back. All she can do is beg for God's forgiveness (and the father if he didn't want the child aborted). But if you've done all you can do to right your wrongs, then you should have peace in your soul. God will forgive anyone!

There are many situations in life which can cause a person to feel overwhelmed to the point of wanting to commit suicide (the death of a loved one, being arrested and imprisoned, a spouse leaving, getting caught doing wrong, peer pressure, teenage pressures, etc.). In Judas' case it was guilt, his evil was exposed and he was overwhelmed with guilt. Judas could have been forgiven, but he instead foolishly hung himself. There is always a right way and a wrong way to deal with anything.

Just lay everything out on the table before God in prayer. He promises to forgive you and to help you get your life together. You don't need to feel overwhelmed with sorrow and fear, just beg God to forgive you and then you do everything in your power to make things right. If there's nothing you can do about it or it is too late, then you must put the situation into God's hands and free your mind of something you cannot change.

Satan Wants to Discourage You

Forget the past, it is gone forever. Don't worry about the future, it may not be yours. Rather, lay up for yourself treasures in Heaven by living for Jesus and the gospel's sake. You don't have to kill yourself. You can have “a life” in Jesus (John 10:9-10).

Killing yourself is not the best way to make the pain go away. Life is full of problems, emotions, miseries and frustrations. Life can be better friend, but the first step is to never give up on yourself! Trust me, time does heal ALL wounds. I know from experience.

Sadly, many teenagers commit suicide. The teen years are extremely difficult on young people. They're caught in limbo between childhood and adulthood. It can be very painful as a teenage.

If you're at the end of your rope, then get a longer rope. If you've received the straw that breaks the camel's back, then get a stronger camel. Don't quit! Don't give up! You can make it!

Suicide is a sin! No one should ever even talk about something so foolish as killing one's self. I hope these few words have encouraged you. I'll tell you, there have been times in my life where I just didn't want to live anymore. I just didn't want to deal with life anymore. I didn't want to face another day. I hated life and everything about it. People can be so cruel. One man wrote to me and said: People equal pain. He had been hurt by many people in his life.

Perhaps you have never received Jesus Christ and would like to become a born-again believer. If you like to be saved now, Click Here. John 1:12, “But as many as received him, to them gave he power to become the sons of God, even to them that believe on his name.”


Sunday, March 13, 2011


Kepada Yth:
Tuhan Yesus
di Surga

Dengan Hormat,
Tuhan, aku ingin tahu Mengapa
Kau ijinkan hal-hal yang tidak adil terjadi di dunia ini?
aku harus memberikan pipi yang kanan jika ditampar pipi yang kiri?
aku harus mencintai musuhku?

Mengapa sepertinya aku harus selalu
mengalah walau dirugikan?
Mengapa aku harus bersabar atas banyak
hal yang tidak menyenangkan?

Tolong Tuhan,
jawab aku biar aku mengerti, karena aku merasa sangat lelah menganggung
semua ini.

Reply from Heaven :

AnakKu terkasih, tidakkah kau sadari bahwa mataKu
selalu tertuju padamu?
Aku tahu saat kau diperlakukan tidak adil.
Aku melihat saat air matamu mengalir menahan perasaan jengkel yang tak
Aku bahkan ikut merasakan kepedihan hatimu saat kau
Tapi tahukah kau bahwa Aku semakin
mengasihimu saat Aku melihat kau memaafkan orang lain yang menyakitimu
dan bukannya membalas keburukan mereka?
melihatmu bersabar atas sikap jahat yang mereka tujukan padamu membuatKu
sangat marah.
Aku ijinkan semua itu terjadi
supaya kau terlatih makin hari makin sempurna dan menyerupai Aku.

Tapi, pada saatnya Aku akan menggantikan semuanya dan
memberkatimu sesuai kemuliaan dan kekayaanKu.
akan membukakan bagimu pintu-pintu berkat di mana tak ada seorangpun
bisa menutupnya.

Dan Aku akan memberikan padamu kesempatan-kesempatan
emas di mana tak seorang pun bisa mengambilnya.
Aku telah melihat betapa jahatnya perbuatan mereka dan akan membuat
perhitungan dengan mereka yang tak dapat kau bayangkan.
Jadi, anakku janganlah kau berpikir bahwa Aku
mengabaikanmu, karena sesungguhnya mataKu ada di segala tempat,

mengawasi orang jahat dan orang baik.


Wednesday, March 9, 2011

Remember to take your vitamins every day!

Anxious? Take Vitamin A. “All things work together for good for those who love God, who are called according to his purpose.” (Romans 8:28)

Blue? Take Vitamin B. “Bless the Lord, O my soul, and all that is within me, bless his holy name.” (Psalm 103:1)

Crushed? Take Vitamin C. “Cast all your anxiety on him, because he cares for you.” (1 Peter 5:7)

Depressed? Take Vitamin D. “Draw near to God, and he will draw near to you.” (James 4:8)

Empty? Take Vitamin E. “Enter his gates with thanksgiving, and his courts with praise. Give thanks to him, bless his name.” (Psalm 100:4)

Fearful? Take Vitamin F. “Fear not, for I am with you, do not beafraid, for I am your God.” (Isaiah 41:10)

Greedy? Take Vitamin G. “Give, and it will be given to you. A good measure, pressed down, shaken together, running over, will be put unto your lap; for the measure you give will be the measure you get back.” (Luke 6:38)

Hesitant? Take Vitamin H. “How beautiful upon the mountains are the feet of the messenger who announces peace, who brings good news, who announces salvation, who says to Zion, ‘Your God reigns.’” (Isaiah 52:7)

Insecure? Take Vitamin I. “I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me.” (Philippians 4:13)

Jittery? Take Vitamin J. “Jesus Christ is the same yesterday and today and forever.” (Hebrews 13:8)

Know nothing? Take Vitamin K. “Know this that the Lord is God, it is He that made us and not we ourselves. (Psalm 100:3)

Lonely? Take Vitamin L. “Lo, I am with you always, even to the end of the age.” (Matthew 28:20)

Mortgaged? Take Vitamin M. “My grace is sufficient for you, for power is made perfect in weakness.” (2 Corinthians 12:9)

Nervous? Take Vitamin N. “Never, no never will I leave you nor forsake you.” (Hebrews 13:5)

Overwhelmed? Take Vitamin O. “Overcome evil with good.” (Romans 12:21)

Perplexed or puzzled? Take Vitamin P. “Peace I leave with you; my peace I give to you. I do not give to you as the world gives. Do not let your hearts be troubled, and do not let them be afraid.” (John 14:27)

Quitting? Take Vitamin Q. “Quit you like men and women, be strong.” (1 Corinthians 16:13)

Restless? Take Vitamin R. “Rest in the Lord, and wait patiently for him.” (Psalm 37:7)

Scared? Take Vitamin S. “Stay with me, and do not be afraid; for the one who seeks my life seeks your life; you will be safe with me.” (1 Samuel 22:23)

Tired? Take Vitamin T. “Those who wait for the Lord shall renew their strength, they shall mount up with wings like eagles, they shall run and not be weary, they shall walk and not faint.” (Isaiah 40:31)

Uncertain? Take Vitamin U. “Understand that I am (the Lord). Before me no god was formed, nor shall there be any after me.” (Isaiah 43:10)

Vain? Take Vitamin V. “Vexed with unclean spirits: and they were healed every one. (Acts 5:16)

Wondering what to do? Take Vitamin W. “What does the Lord require of you but to do justice, and to love kindness, and to walk humbly with your God?” (Micah 6:8)

eXhausted? Take Vitamin X. “Exercise thyself rather unto godliness.” (1 Timothy 4:7)

Yearning for hope? Take Vitamin Y. “Yea, though I walk through the valley of the shadow of death, I will fear no evil; for you art with me; your rod and your staff, they comfort me.” (Psalm 23:4)

Zapped? Take Vitamin Z. “Zealous for good deeds.” (Titus 2:14)

Giant Killer

Bagian undian yang ditentukan bagi suku Manasye, sebab dialah anak sulung Yusuf, ialah demikian: Kepada Makhir, anak sulung Manasye, bapa Gilead, telah diberikan Gilead dan Basan, karena ia seorang tentara.” ( Yosua 17 : 1 )

Menurut saya ini ayat aneh, memang ada pembagian tanah pada waktu itu dan Alkitab berkata, kepada Makhir, anak sulung Manasye, diberikan bagian Gilead dan Basan, dan alasannya adalah karena ia seorang tentara, a man of war. Lalu apanya yang aneh? Gilead dan Basan ini merupakan symbol dari “prosperity” atau kelimpahan tanah Perjanjian atau Kanaan. Gilead dikenal sebagai tempat dibuatnya balsam, sebuah bagian dari pada obat-obatan zaman itu yang sangat terkenal, bahkan nabi Yeremia pun pernah menyinggungnya (Yeremia 8:22). Nama “Basan” arti sebenarnya adalah “Subur” atau orang menyebut sebagai “stoneless plain” atau dataran yang tidak berbatu, artinya tanahnya memang gembur dan subur mudah ditanami. Dan sebagaimana namanya maka Basan dikenal sebagai lumbung gandum bagi tanah Kanaan. Jadi 2 daerah ini merupakan symbol kelimpahan dari tanah Perjanjian, bagian terbaik dari tanah Perjanjian. Tetapi alasannya kenapa diberikan kepada Makhir, Alkitab berkata karena dia adalah seorang tentara. Ini jelas aneh sekali, kalau anda bicara soal kelimpahan, biasanya identik dengan pekerjaan orang apakah dia pengusaha atau pekerja. Apa kaitannya seorang tentara diberi bagian terbaik yang paling subur dari tanah Kanaan? Ternyata raja Basan, yang bernama Og, hidup dari sisa-sisa orang Refaim, keturunan raksasa dan merupakan perkawinan campur manusia dengan setan sebetulnya (Ulangan 3:4-5, 11). Jadi Gilead dan Basan itu adalah daerah yang dikuasai oleh raksasa, karena itu TUHAN berkata: “Walaupun paling subur, orang biasa tidak bisa masuk ke sana karena tempat itu dihuni raksasa. Jadi tidak ada pilihan lain kecuali tempat itu harus diberikan kepada tentara yang bisa membunuh raksasa”.

Setiap kali TUHAN buat keputusan, dibelakangnya pasti ada alasan yang sempurna kenapa DIA mengambil keputusan seperti itu, percayalah saudara, ada pertimbangan Illahi yang sangat sempurna sampai DIA berkata: “Ini keputusan-KU!” dan semuanya itu baik adanya.


By His Grace

Pdt. Petrus Agung Purnomo

All Christian Experiences a Struggle With Sin

The Fight

Every Christian is in a lifelong struggle with sin. All sins are dangerous but the really dangerous sins are the ones you don't see such as sins of attitude and spirit. As Christians, a spiritual rebirth has taken place, the Holy Spirit lives within, and we are no longer the same person. So we may think there should no longer be an emotional or spiritual struggle with sin. But we often find ourselves fighting inward battles, struggling with desires and emotions that oppose our New Life in Christ. If not controlled, they have the ability to drive us to decisions and behaviors we know to be wrong.

Really Christians?

As we go through these battles of the flesh, we can question the genuineness of our conversion. Am I really a Christian? If I am really saved then why do I feel this way? If I have a new heart then why do I continue to struggle with sin? These are legitimate questions and require biblical answers; we need to hear God's counsel. Christian are told to put off the old and put on the new, Eph 4:22-24. We must not miss to whom this portion of scripture is addressed, the scripture is speaking to born-again Christians. They are being told to stop their old way of living and to put on the New Man, who after God, is created in righteousness and true holiness. They are told specifically to stop their lying, stop their anger, stop quitting, stop stealing and start giving, stop corrupt speech and start using words that edifying. Stop grieving the Holy Spirit, get rid of all bitterness, anger and fussing. Start being kind, be tenderhearted, and forgive each other just as God has forgiven you!

Is it not amazing that real Christians, post regeneration, continue to have to deal with these kinds of sins. The point is, the Lord does not treat the believer as a non-believer because he has sin to overcome, rather, the Lord is treating the believer as a believer by telling him to stop sinning. When the Lord tells us to stop sinning He is showing us the love of a Father by correcting, rather than casting us away.

The Christian Does Not Obtain Deliverance, He Proves Deliverance

If Abraham had not been given the Promise Land, Israel would not have had to struggle with the giants of the land. We need to see our struggle as an evidence of our promises of deliverance. There would be no fight if we were not delivered from the Kingdom of Darkness into the Kingdom of God. We are not fighting to obtain deliverance but to prove we have been given deliverance! Our enemies, by nature, oppose Christ and His work of redemption; it is because we have been inwardly changed that we are now struggling with the enemies of Christ. When we overcome sin, we prove the gospel to be true and powerful, defeating the Devil himself. When we overcome sin, God gets the glory, for He is the One that proclaims to all creation the power of the cross to be greater than the power of sin! If the Christian had no sin to overcome then salvation would be in theory only. It is our walking out the victory of Jesus over very real, inward and outward sin, that removes all questions about the victory of the cross.

The Nature of The Struggle

So we fight, fall down, and get up. The Christian life is a life of battling sin, battling the devil, battling our flesh, and battling the world. We battle every enemy on our knees and in the Name of Jesus. Redemption has won the victory for us. We get smarter and stronger as we learn to overcome, but we never come to the place, in this life, of no struggle.

Christ Gives Victory

Christ expects us to win our battle with sin.

He alone provides the weapons that give the ability and spiritual power to defeat darkness. Our responsibility is to take them and use them to possess the promises of a new nature. Jesus expects nothing less than Godly living from His people because He personally has overcome all enemies, and personally promises victory to those who use His weapons. So, when we struggle with sins of all kinds, nothing strange has happened to us, we're Christians walking out the redemptive victories of Christ over very real, not theoretical, sin. Non-Christians do not struggle with sin, they do not have the gut wrenching, life and death attitude toward sin. They do not have the heart commitment to Christ that results in an effective war against wrong living. So dear brother and sister in the Lord, if you are having a bare knuckle, eye-to-eye, nose-to-nose struggle with sin, you are acting like a born again Christian. Be encouraged, there are more for you than against you and there is more right with you than wrong with you and Christ will see you through.