Monday, May 9, 2011

Rubber Band

Once, I held tightly only onto Him

One day, I started walking on my own.

At first, walking on my own seemed easy and enjoyable

But as time passed,

each step become heavier and heavier

Finally, I was so exhausted that I couldn't take one more step

I remembered How easy it used to be

I regretted what I did

right at that time

I felt a strong pull

That's when i realized,

that He had His long rubber band

tied around me since the time i left Him

"When the path you've been on has become too hard

when your steps are heavy laden


That's when His rubber band

has been stretched the tightest "

For I am convinced that neither death nor life, neither angels nor demons,
neither the present nor the future, nor any powers,
neither height nor depth, nor anything else in all creation,
will be able to separate us from the love of God that is in Christ Jesus our Lord.

Romans 8:38~39


Sunday, May 8, 2011

Kunantikan Janji Allah (I Wait On God)

Kunantikan janji Allah
Dig'napi dalamku
Kuharapkan yang terbaik
Terjadi di dalamku

Yang kutahu Dia kerjakan
Seturut FirmanNya
Bagi kemuliaanNya
Yang kuyakin Dia sediakan
Seturut kasihNya bagiku

I wait on God to bring to pass
All He has promised me
And as I wait I rest in faith
For what I cannot see

For in His way He will provide
At just the perfect time
Everything that's good and right
For in His way He will provide
To bless this life of mine

A Trip To Hell

Dear Friend, January 1st, 2000, 5 am in the morning, I was in the large desert, dry and infertile. The wind was so heavy and weather was so hot. I saw a lot of weird and disgusting animals that I've never seen before in my life. I walked step by step through the desert till I found my self in a gloomy place.

I had strange feeling that time and I could feel the pain spread to all of my bones. The situation was silent and dark. No wind blew. Dark cloud appeared surround that place.

I could not describe it in better words, because there was only horrified of hell! A huge gate appeared in front of me. I felt nervous and worried but I tried to open that gate anxiously. It was not difficult to open it. I opened it and shocked because there was another gate bigger than the first one. It was written on top of that gate "VALLEY OF TORTURE".

There was a doubt in my heart implicitly, whether I should continue this trip or not. But something that powerful inside of me made me to go on. My heart beat was loud as I could hear it my self while I opened the next gate and Oh my God!... I could not believe, I could not believe what I saw, but it was real.

There was a long dark path in front of me. I stood in the side of the gate watching and predicting how large and long that path was but I could not see it clearly. I saw a vogue rise up in the end of that path. I thought it was terrible ocean of fire!

Along way I walked in that dark path, I saw many people were tortured by creatures wearing black clothes and having horns in their heads. I saw they were so cruel in torturing everyone there before they were put into the fire ocean at the end of the path. I heard affecting tears and pain mix up with dirty laugh sounds in that dirty place.

At the edge of the path, there was a young woman whose hands were bound at a piece of wood and she was surrounded by a lot of horned creatures who made fun of her and laugh at her. I saw her face was pail and white filled by fear. A strange weapon that I have never seen before was swinging in front of her face. I did not know exactly what it was but it was like a fork with a sharp cutting edge in the top of it. That weapon was carried by one of the horned devils which surrounded that woman. I heard the devils were threatening that poor frightened woman, "Lie!... Come on, lie!!!"

I saw her become more frightened. She was completely fell into the power of that horned devils so that she obeyed them whatever they want. That woman answered, " Yes, yes, I lied! I lied!"

All of the devils were laugh, seems that they were satisfied with the young woman's answer. I though after that woman did everything that they want, they will be released her. But what happened next was really made me shock! The devil stabbed that horrible thing into her face! The fresh blood squirted from her face! It was so horrifying! Her face did not have a shape anymore and her cried of pain so heartbreaking!

"Stop! Stop it!", I yelled.

But it strange, they could not heard my voice; even more my appearance seemed invisible for them! I felt disgusted for everything that I saw, but there were a lot of other views that surprise me and made me shock!

Then, I saw a man whose hair was burnt, only rotten skull remain. There were unburnable maggots come out from his skull cavity. He was lying and carrying from the end of the path not far from fire, I thought that they tortured him for a long time. His body was burning and his flesh was melting because he was lying near the hottest fire ever!

The devils who carried him were laughing at him. There was nothing he could do besides surrender him self to them. He was dying but he could not die. He looked like having terrible pain, seemed he wanted to say something for mercy. One of those devils said, "Come on, masturbate! Masturbate!!" That man shaking answered, "Yes, I masturbate! I masturbate! Aaaahhhhh!" He was screaming and a lot of maggots come out from all of his body - so many!! I felt disgusted when I saw it, even when I heard his screaming so horrible!!!

There were more screaming and commanding that I heard. "Come on, drink! Drink! Gambling! Deceive!" and those devils were laughing and enjoying the moaning of pain and tears, as they were listening wonderful music. I was afraid to walk in through that path. I only saw as far as I could and I was sure there were more kind of tortures at that place which is more appropriate to be called barracks of torture.

I found a view that made me really shock, there were many righteous and religion people there!! I did not believe it but I did not have power to deny all that I saw. I heard all their screaming when they were being tortured. They cried out for God, "God, help me! God, do I always be together with You? You tough us at our towns and I served You Lord!"

They were begging to God but salvation had already close for them, till I heard they abused Him! My heart was breaking when I saw it! After that I was in the top of the horrible situation I could not do that "journey" anymore. And I believed if I continued this journey, I will have been dead! "God", I cried "Please bring me out from here! Please God" All of these were a vision, a horrible vision, a vision of Hell! I was so happy when I found out that I was at home, even though after that I got ill for couple days. All of my bones and pivots were hurt; I suffered stomach disorder and got shock day by day.

I prayed to God and wondered what it's all about, what He wants through my experience. God gave me understanding and deep burden for people around me. God wants me to tell what have been happened and will be happened to everyone. A lot of them are having fun, eating, drinking, having party, free sex, drugs and others seems that they can enjoy them forever. They do not realize that hell and the horned devils are waiting for them. They are the next victims.

I know that God really loves you. This "vision" that is showed to me proof that He still gives you a chance to repent.

My dear friend, I have to write this article to warn you. I do not want you having the same experiences as those people there. Truly, I love you all and I hope you will meditate all of these and repent. Accept Jesus Christ as your savior personally and start a new life and do not come out from the road that Jesus has decided to us.

God Bless You.

Your friend, Philip Mantofa


Monday, May 2, 2011

Colorful Life

Aku punya anak les cewek 3.5 tahun playgroup.. agak kaget nih pas liat dia dateng ke tenpat les, di ikat rambutnya tuh ada meteran,,,,

aku lgsg berpikir,,,

"oh... ikat rambut model baru nihh" wkwkwk

eh,, selidik punya selidik ternyata beneran meteran yg buat ukur ukur itu... haha...

"Nonik rambute panjang" katanya dengan mentel...

yah,, se jam itu dia jadi sibuk ngurusin hair extension nya (meteran)

"Waduh cantik banget ya, Nik pasti udah kramas nih... wangii"

"mmmm... udah" smbil megang meteran extension,

"tp yang ini belum.... " katanya sambil memegang rambutnya yg asli.. ;p


Suatu ketika,, nonik nonik dateng bawa botol minum baru,

"beli da mana nik??"



"acewerrr!!" sambil stgh teriak

"Owalah,,, Ace Hardware" haha.. hebat ya aku bisa nebak perkataan si nonik kecil ini wkwkwk

Suatu ketika anak les ku yg cowok, usia 4 tahun,,

dia ini emang suka banget nonton film horror..

suatu ketika dia lagi pipis di kamar mandi...

E eh pas dia keluar dianya bilang,

"Miss takut ada hantu...."

"Apa sayang,, g usah takut"

"ada item item Miss..."

"di mana??"

"di atas dudukan itu miss"


"di atas dudukan??"

"Iyaaa.... hantune kan lagi pipisss...." katanya sambil senyum2..

hmmm ngarang nih anak... wkwk.. .

Buat ortu yg punya anak,,

mendingan anaknya dijauhin dari film2 hantu deh yaaa...

ga ada gunanya juga nonton film begituan...

Aku punya anak les umur 4 tahunan...

Dia orangnya poloss banget,,

suatu ketika dia ketemu anak les ku yg laen, yg lagi pakai seragam sekolah....

eh,, dia nanya aku,

"Miss,, tu tu apa tu,, koq ada sayape???" katanya sambil menunjuk2 temannya..

"Hah??? Sayap"

wkwkw.. ternyata anak les ku yg laen tu model seragame sailor gitu deh,,,

jadi itu yang dimaksud sayap bagi seorang anak kecil wkwkwk lucu niann

Di ruang belajar,, biar ga monoton,, ada lukisan lukisan indah yg di cat di tembok,,,

salah satunya ada gambar pohon besar di tengah2....

kebetulan pohon besar itu pas di bagian tembok yang menonjol

Suatu ketika ada anak baru,,, pas pertama kali les

pas dia bosan ngajar nih,,, eeeh.. dianya malah lompat2 di pojokan,,

"Nonik mau manjat pohon" sambil tangannya keatas dan melompat2....

"Nikkk... itu cuman gambar!"


Suatu siang,, aku ngajak 2 anak les ku yg masih pada playgroup utk maen flashcard...

Pas lage main flashcard (kartu yg ada gambarnya), ada gambar salib dan aku memberi tahu mereka kalo salib itu cross....

"Cross itu apa miss??"

"Cross itu salib"


"Iya Tuhan Yesus mati di kayu salib,, buat selamatin noniik"

"Miss,,, tapi koq da salib e gak ada Tuhan Yesus nya?? ni cuman salib aja?" tambahnya

"Iya, nik.. kan abis itu Tuhan Yesus bangkit... gak jadi meninggal..." jawabku

Pas aku lagi ngobrol sama ni anak nich,,,

tiba2 anak cewek ku satunya

(yang juga masih playgroup)

langsung menimpali dengan suara keras,

"Iya,, Tuhan Yesus kan hidup!!!"

Praise The Lord...

aku sangat terberkati banget denger jawaban anak cewek ini,....


memang Tuhan Yesus itu hidup!

“Aku berkata kepadamu: Sesungguhnya barangsiapa tidak menyambut Kerajaan Surga
seperti seorang anak kecil, ia tidak akan masuk ke dalamnya.” (Lukas 18:17)

Sunday, May 1, 2011

"In Your Freedom"

I search for You God of strength
I bow to You in my brokenness
And no other King could have so humbly come
To save my soul and heal my heart
I have nothing more than all You offer me
There is nothing else that’s of worth to me
And I love You Lord
You rescued me
You are all that I want
You’re all that I need

I pray to You God of peace
I rest in You my cares released
I have nothing more than all You offer me
There is nothing else that’s of worth to me
And I love You Lord
You rescued me
You are all that I want
You’re all that I need

In Your freedom I will live
In Your freedom I will live
I offer devotion, I offer devotion