Semua karna anugrahNya...
Thursday, April 25, 2013
This Post Dedicated To My Lovely One
Friday, February 8, 2013
Bunuh Diri Tak Selesaikan Masalah
Kau ambil tali mo’ gantung diri
Tak peduli dengan hidupmu lagi
Jalan keluar bukan Cuma satu
Lihat ada sobat yang menunggu
Tak peduli apapun masalahmu
Tak pernah lelah
Walau dalam duka
Berikan nyawaNya…ganti kita semua
Bunuh diri tak s’lesaikan masalah
Bunuh diri terjun bebas ke neraka
Kawan jangan lah kau pernah menyerah
Semua pasti ada jalannya
Verse 2
Bunuh diri tak selesaikan masalah
Bunuh diri terjun bebas ke neraka
Ya aku tahu hidup memang susah
Bila berusaha kita pasti bisa
Saat kau mencari pasti kan temui
Saat kau mengetok pintu…tok..tok..tok
Pintu kan dibukakan bagimu
Saat kau punya masalah jangan pernah ragu
Apapun terjadi aku siap tuk temani
Doa bersamaku semua pasti terlalui
Saat jatuh perpuruk hadapai kegagalan
Kecewa putus asa hinggap dalam pikiran
Jangan pernah menyerah hidup terus berjalan
Masih banyak yang dapat kau lakukan
Hidupmu itu indah dan sangat berharga
Ucaplah syukur pegang janji-janjiNya
Yakin dan percaya harapanmu tak kan sia-sia
Jangan jadikan bunuh diri sebagai solusi
If you trust Him remove your fear
All the problem of your life always be clear
Tuesday, February 5, 2013
Semua dari papa, mintanya pake maksa
Padahal kalo ditanya, loe kerjapun ga pernah
Cepat sadarlah kawan, hidupmu itu teladan
Maksudnya mau bergaya, malah jadi batu sandungan.
Aku heran sama anak sekarang
Sukanya ikut-ikutan
Kaya ga punya pendirian
Rambut belah pinggir, terkadang ga disisir
Pake celana sempit, apa ga takut kejepit
Tambah lagi Yang ngaku anak motor
Motor udah bagus kok diperotol
Shock breaker dipendekin, naiknya jadi nungging Maksudnya kaya Rossi, malah kaya kuda lumping *back to chorus
Ngomel-ngomel...kaya nenek yang lagi bawel
Papa ga beliin motor Kok jadi dower
Ngambek-ngambek ga mau sekolah
Padahal bayar sekolah cari duitnya susah
Mirip anak SD Padahal dah gede
Kenapa generasi ini Jadi memble
Naik motor ga mau pake helm
Udah kaya jagoan yang di film-film *back to chorus
Cobalah pikirkan apa yang kau perbuat
Berapa banyak teman-temanmu jadi tersesat
Melihat gayamu melihat hidupmu
Mendengar perkataanmu yang tak lagi bermutu
Jangan paksakan cinta jika belum saatnya
Kar’na semua itu buatmu menderita
Cepat sadar teman jadilah teladan
Dalam perkataan pikiran dan perbuatan
Andai kau tahu tujuan hidupmu
Tentu kau tak akan melakukan itu
*back to chorus

Kecil-kecil lho kok udah pacaran
Berpelukan lho di tengah keramaian
Kata lo cuma sebatas teman
Tapi kenapa tangan lo itu gerayangan
Uang jajan aja masih minta ortu
Udah begaya kaya orang borju
Mau nya jalan di tempat yang mahal
Ga mau peduli orang tua punya kerjaan
Di sekolah lo udah kaya preman
Suka berantem sok jadi jagoan
Tiap minggu ibu lo di panggil guru
Buat gantiin uang saku teme-temen loe
Ibu hanya Cuma bisa mengelus dada
Kaga tahu ditaruh mana lagi ‘tu muka
Tanpa dapat lagi ibu berkata-kata
Hanya menangis tak berhenti berdoa
Chorus :
Kau masih pake putih abu-abu
Udah deh jangan sok belagu
Ingat s’lalu pada ayah ibu
Bila kau berulah mereka yang malu
Tiga bulan si nova udah terlambat
Elo bingung apa yang bakal elo buat
Padahal nova minum banyak macam obat
Tapi kenapa ‘tu perut tambah semakin bulat
Udahlah men jangan kau tambahkan dosa
Kar’na hidup elo hanyalah sekali saja
Gunakan waktu-waktu yang masih tersisa
Tuk buat mama papa bangga dan bahagia
Muda suka-suka, tua kaya raya
Kalo mati berharap nanti bisa masuk surga
Gimana bisa kalo elo ga' bekerja dan juga berdoa
Itu hanya hayalan saja
The Messenger
Lyric The Messenger|Beat by OJEH “POEMSGATE”
Recorded @FIREstudio|Mixing & Mastering by Andy GDT@23studio
Tuesday, November 27, 2012
It’s impossible to get all the animals in it!
Saturday, July 7, 2012
It will cost you popularity, it will cost you promotion perhaps at times, it will cost you an easy life, you will have to discipline yourself, you will have to buffet your body, you will have to say “No” to temptation, you will have to say “No” to this world, you will have to break with a crowd, you will have to be willing to stand alone for Christ, you will have to be willing walk to the beat of a different drummer and to step out of the crowd even if no one follows after Jesus Christ, you would be willing to stand if you were the only person in the world for Jesus Christ. That’s the cost factor.
You will have to be willing to suffer persecution for Christ and let me tell you, it will come. It might even cost you your life.
He is not coming to play games. He is not coming to be dossel.
He is coming to dominate. He is coming to slaughter.
He is the King of king and He is the Lord of lord. and at the end of this age, He will bolt out of heaven on a white steed and His garments are dripped in blood. The blood of His own enemies and He is coming back to conquer and to damn.
You need to make terms of peace with this coming King or you will be subjected in damnation forever and Jesus Christ has made terms of peace.
You need to settle out of court with Him. You do not want to go into that final day of conflict with Christ.
For He will be ruthless in the execution of His Justice but He offers you mercy today. He will agree to terms of surrender. He will agree to terms of peace but they are His terms of peace, not ours and His terms of peace are very simply this: You must hate your own father and mother and brother and sister and even your own life more than Me or you cannot be My disciple And you must take up a cross and follow Me or you cannot be My disciple. And if you do not, you will meet Me in the final judgment and it will glorify God in your destruction.
He is pressing you for a decision. He will not be put off. You cannot hit the mute button any longer in your heart, you must answer Him.
Verse 33, “so then,” conclusion, “none of you can be My disciple”
“So then, none of you can be My disciple who does not give up all his own possessions.” -Luke 14:33
He is saying none of you can be a true Christian, None of you can be in My Kingdom, None of you can be in right relationship with Me or the Father, None of you can be My disciple Who does not give up all His own possessions.
What is our Lord saying? He is not backing off.
He is increasing the commitment that He is calling for with every line of this section. Well He is not saying that you have to buy your way into the Kingdom of Heaven for none of us have enough gold and none of us have enough silver to ever remove the stain of sin that has defiled our inner soul.
What is He saying? Who does not give up ALL of his own possessions.
Well this must be taken in context with other texts of Scripture and let me just cut to the bottom line of the bottom line. You must transfer the ownership of all that you are and all that you have to all that He is. That’s what He is saying.
You life is no longer your life, it is now His life. Your time is no longer your time, it is now His time. Your possessions are no longer your possessions, they are now His possessions. Your future is no longer your future, it is now His future. Your treasure is no longer your treasure, it is His treasure. And you have transferred all that you are and all that you have to all that He is.
That’s what is is… to meet His terms of peace. Yet, the exchange is not bartered or bought with real money but it is purchased with the total complete surrender of your life to Christ. That’s what saving faith is. It is coming to the end of yourself and completely and entirely and trusting all that you are and all that you have to all that He is.
This is your eternal soul. This is the only life you will ever live. This deals with the only eternity you will ever have.
And so He says, “salt is good but If even salt has become tasteless, meaning it gives evidence that was never true salt to begin with. With what will it be season, and the answer is nothing. Verse 34, it is useless either for the soil or the manure pile. It’s just no good to anyone, not to God, not to Christ, not to the Kingdom, not to the movement. You’re just taking up a seat for someone else. There were other people who were trying to get into this.
It is useless either for the soil. Your not even worth the toilet, spiritually speaking. Because you have not come to the place of total surrender of your life and supreme legiance and supreme loyalty to Christ. You have not yet come under the Lordship of Christ and taken up a cross to follow after Him. And then He says, “he who has hears to hear, let him hear.”
You need to give strictest attention to what God has said in His Son. For God has spoken in His Son to us in this conference and God has brought everyone of us to this place. Not one of us is here by accident or by happenstance and it is the goodness of God and the mercy of God that has brought you to this place where you have heard of Isaiah 53. You have heard of the suffering Savior, the Lord Jesus Christ, who upon that cross became sin for us. Upon that cross He died to self that He might live for us and that He might bear our sins and iniquities upon that tree and purchase our salvation. And there is salvation in no other name, for there is no other name under heaven given among men, whereby we must be saved.
Jesus said, “I am the way and the truth and the life; no one comes to the Father but through Me.” And He is calling out to you today “Come unto Me, all ye who are weary and heavy laden and I will take you in and receive you unto Myself take My yoke upon you. And learn of Me for I am meek and lowly in heart and you shall find rest for your souls. For My burden is easy and My yoke is Light.” It is.
You will have the weight of sin lifted off of you and you will now have the yoke of Christ upon you and He gets into that yoke with you and He pulls with you but it will require the total commitment of your life to Him.
Oh, how we ought to search our hearts here today. Have I come to this place of total commitment in my life? Have I yielded my life to the sovereign lordship of Him who dies upon the cross for me. I want you to know that the gates of paradise have been swung open to you. The narrow gate is open and if you will take a step of faith and come through this narrow gate, and commit your life to Him. Despite the strength of His words. He also says, “him who comes unto Me I will in no wise cast out.”
He is calling you today to come, to come to Him, to take a step of faith and to come to Him but if you come to Him. Don’t play games. You must surrender to Christ.
Sunday, April 29, 2012
atau jangan-jangan Anda sendiri lah yg suka berdebat mengenai hal-hal yang berhubungan dgn kepercayaan???
Tidak munafik
Saya sendiri pernah mengalami kedua-duanya......
Sebagai manusia yang hidup sebagaimana adanya saja, tidak punya keyakinan, tidak punya kepercayaan...
Saya yang pada saat melihat org Kristen yg fanatik... jujur saja, saya selalu mencibir mereka dalam hati.... mengapa mereka terlalu fanatik??? kalau memang mereka percaya tidak perlu diumbar-umbar seperti itu kan, mau menyombongkan diri, atau pamer???? Mengapa mereka kebaktian sampai lompat2, memangnya di diskotik??? Mengapa mereka bisa rebah seperti orang pingsan, dibuat-buat yaaa?? Mengapa mereka bisa sampai menangis hingga seperti itu, emangnya lagi nonton drama seri Korea???? Mengapa Mengapa dan Mengapa...... SEMUA PERTANYAAN PERTANYAAN ITU YANG MEMENUHI OTAK KU....... Pokoknya aku benci orang yang terlalu fanatik seperti itu....
Aku menjadi semakin semangat ketika ada teman juga yang mengiyakan, "iya sih, org Kristen itu memang terlalu fanatik, gak penting banget kali yaa sampe kaya gituuu..... biasa aja donkkk"
Mereka itu terlalu aneh....
Ada di posisi yang manakah Anda sekarang??? menjadi org Kristen fanatik yang selalu dicaci??? atau menjadi orang yang mencaci dan mencibir org Kristen seperti saya????
Kalau Anda ada di posisi yang sama persis seperti saya,, Apakah di kala malam hari Anda sering galau dan selalu bertanya2? "Siapakah sebenarnya Juru Selamat yang sesungguhnya????" Apakah Anda pernah mencari cari bukti dan fakta untuk menyingkirkan segala yang tak kau mengerti?? TAPI SEMUANYA TETAP TERLALU TAK MASUK AKAL! TIDAK BISA DINALAR DENGAN AKAL SEHAT!!!
Kalau ya... Anda berada di saat yang tepat di tempat yang tepat....
Saya tahu Anda sudah lelah mencari-cari jawaban di sekitar Anda, Anda berdebat dengan teman-teman Anda, mengemukakan pendapat Anda, tapi masih tetap tak menemukan jawabannya...
Kalau Anda mengira saya akan membeberkan jawabannya di sini... ANDA SALAH BESAR......
saya hanya akan membukakan sedikit peluang bagi Anda untuk menemukan jawabannya, menemukan harta yang berharga yang selama ini kau cari-cari.....
jangan mencari jawaban di lingkungan sekitarmu! mereka mungkin sama seperti kamu, hanya saja mereka tidak menyadarinya......
bahkan, jangan cari jawaban dari keluargamu! mereka mungkin hanya mengikuti ajaran turun temurun dari nenek moyangmu......
carilah jawaban itu langsung dari penciptamu!!!! tanyakan terus lewat doa!!!!
lalu kalau suatu hari kelak kamu telah menemukan jawabannya... saya yakin Anda juga pasti tak akan tinggal diam tutup mulut dan merahasiakan nya.... KARENA SESUNGGUHNYA JAWABAN INI ADALAH JAWABAN UTAMA YANG DICARI SEMUA MANUSIA... ironisnya manusia lebih suka untuk MENCARI KETENARAN, KESUKSESAN, dll... semua hal yang semu dan tidak kekal ini justru yang dicari manusia... Lihatlah orang dunia, orang yang sukses dalam karier, dalam keluarga, tenar di lingkungannya, terkadang akhir hidup mereka mengerikan... ANDA TAHU MENGAPA??? KARENA MEREKA BELUM MENEMUKAN KEBENARAN ITU.... JADI WALAUPUN MUNGKIN MEREKA PUNYA SEGALANYA,,, HATI MEREKA TETAP KOSONG!!!!!
-----Kata Yesus kepadanya: "Akulah jalan dan kebenaran dan hidup. Tidak ada seorangpun yang datang kepada Bapa, kalau tidak melalui Aku."----- yoh 14:6
ya, betul....
sejak saat aku mengetahui kebenaran ini, tiba-tiba saja aku tahu jawaban dari semuaaaa pertanyaan yang dulu saya debat kan.... YA YESUS MEMANG JAWABAN UNTUK SEGALA SESUATU.....
kalau mungkin Anda masih ragu dan timbul pertanyaan-pertannyan seperti ini:
kalau Yesus itu anak Allah, lalu siapa yang melahirkan Allah???
kalau Yesus baik, kenapa harus ada neraka?
kalau Yesus memang benar Juru Selamat, kenapa dia tidak menciptakan manusia di dunia ini semuanya kaya??? jadi kan tidak mungkin ada kejahatan....
Yesus itu kan Anak Allah??? kenapa Dia yang disembah????
Allah kok bisa punya anak sih??? kenapa bisa begitu???
kenapa ?? kenapa dan kenapa????
Ibrani 11:1 Iman adalah dasar dari segala sesuatu yang kita harapkan dan bukti dari segala sesuatu yang tidak kita lihat.
COBA PIKIR, YESUS BANGKIT DARI KEMATIAN,,,, DIA HIDUP... DIA ALLAH YANG HIDUP... HINGGA SAAT INI, DIA MASIH HIDUP,, kalau dipandang dr ilmu pengetahuan dan ilmu kedokteran??? apakah itu mungkin???? tidak kan???
saya tahu saya TAK PANTAS untuk membujuk Anda untuk percaya kepada apa yang saya katakan,,, KENAPA???? KARENA SAYA PERNAH DI POSISI ANDA.... saya pun gak percaya dan menganggap semuanya hanya bullshit di kala itu...
Kalau saat ini Anda tidak percaya, mgkn ini hanya masalah waktu... TAPI INGAT, WAKTU KITA SINGKAT, TIDAK ADA YANG TAHU USIA KEHIDUPAN KITA DI DUNIA... JANGAN SAMPAI MENYESAL...
-sepenggal kisah hidupku-
"Sejak saat aku mengerti kebenaran dan percaya Yesus lah Jalan Kebenaran ...i feel freedom.... aku menyanyi, menangis, melompat-lompat, rebah, mungkin dunia menganggap ku gila.... kau tahu mengapa bisa seperti org gila??? karena kami bukan hidup berdasar ilmu-ilmu dunia, ilmu pengetahuan, teknologi,atau kedokteran,,,, kami hidup bedasar iman... dan iman berlawanan dengan fakta yang kita lihat di dunia ini......kalau dunia berkata tidak, tak mungkin, tak bisa, kami berkata sebaliknya..... tiada yang mustahil bagi Yesus...... WE STAND ABOVE THE LINE "
Wednesday, August 24, 2011
If I Really Believed in Hell

Then death and Hades were thrown into the lake of fire. The lake of fire is the second death. If anyone’s name was not found written in the book of life, he was thrown into the lake of fire.
Revelation 20:14-15
Hell’s a terrible place, in theory.
A place of eternal wrath and unending torture.
A place where the pain is excruciating but does not cease.
A place where there is no hope;
A place intended only for suffering.
A place without God, forever and ever.
But I have trouble imagining such a place –
All the pain I have ever experienced comes to an end, sooner or later;
When I look back, it all seemed like bearable pain.
And at the times I don’t feel God near,
Well, they don’t last all that long;
When I reflect upon them, I see He was actually there.
So I can’t really conceive a place
With so much pain
And without any God.
Intellectually, I know such a place exists.
Intellectually, I know billions of people are on the highway to Hell –
And some of my friends are in the fast lane.
Intellectually, I know I was destined for Hell –
And that Jesus is the only reason I’m not anymore.
But if I really believed these things,
My whole life would be different – radically so.
If I really believed in Hell,
I would not be able to keep quiet.
If I really believed in Hell,
I’d be passionately warning my friends,
And anyone else who would listen.
If I really believed in Hell,
And how terrible it really is,
It would be almost impossible
For me to not tell even my enemies.
And if I really understood that I was rescued from the highway to Hell,
I’d be a lot more humble before my Savior.
If I really realized what destruction He spared me from,
I’d be a much more loyal servant.
If I really believed all the work of Jesus
Was one hundred percent necessary to rescue me,
I would spend a whole lot more time
Worshipping and adoring Him.
*Father God, please forgive me for not believing fully in all of the realities you have explained to me. God, I want to believe. I want to believe whole-heartedly in the destruction that awaits the unsaved, so as to more fully understand the magnitude of your love, grace and mercy. Please teach me, Father, and increase my zeal for you. In Jesus’ name, amen.
Do you truly believe in Hell?
Contributed by Lincoln W.from
Monday, May 9, 2011
Rubber Band
Once, I held tightly only onto Him
One day, I started walking on my own.
At first, walking on my own seemed easy and enjoyable
But as time passed,
each step become heavier and heavier
Finally, I was so exhausted that I couldn't take one more step
I remembered How easy it used to be
I regretted what I did
right at that time
I felt a strong pull
That's when i realized,
that He had His long rubber band
tied around me since the time i left Him
"When the path you've been on has become too hard
when your steps are heavy laden
That's when His rubber band
has been stretched the tightest "
Sunday, May 8, 2011
Kunantikan Janji Allah (I Wait On God)

Kunantikan janji Allah
Dig'napi dalamku
Kuharapkan yang terbaik
Terjadi di dalamku
Yang kutahu Dia kerjakan
Seturut FirmanNya
Bagi kemuliaanNya
Yang kuyakin Dia sediakan
Seturut kasihNya bagiku
I wait on God to bring to pass
All He has promised me
And as I wait I rest in faith
For what I cannot see
For in His way He will provide
At just the perfect time
Everything that's good and right
For in His way He will provide
To bless this life of mine